v3.1 update is here

New version update!

New chapter content:

  • Chapter S7 (Homu Paradise 1)
  • Chapter S8 (Homu Paradise 2)

Introducing Lookahead Mode: Turn on lookahead mode to read ahead on chapters we're still working on. Lookahead mode chapters use machine translations, and will receive upgrades in visuals, sound and translation before coming to the regular chapter roster.

Miscellaneous bug fixes and minor improvements.

Plans for next version:

  • Homu Rescue Operation
  • Honkai Cooking Classroom
  • Hero Homu! Bronya’s Rescue Operation
  • Otherworld LN (Kevin? Kevin.)
  • Misc improvements on the app
  • Return of trailers and promo art and other fancy stuff
  • More integration with the story guide on the Hoyostans website

We are currently short on translators and beta testers. If you want to come lend a hand, do pop into the Hoyostans discord!

Have a great day!


Android Version (current) 318 MB
Aug 05, 2023
Mac Version v3.1 (old) 306 MB
Aug 05, 2023
PC Version v3.1 (old) 311 MB
Aug 05, 2023
Web Version (current) Play in browser
Aug 05, 2023

Get Guns GirlZ: Operation Gekkou - Retro


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Nice work